Hopping the Fence

So innocent
with his ice blue eyes...
the gentle face
of man's best friend
stares from the missing slat--
unable to follow me
and what remains of the seat of my pants.

Inspired by: Mag 190


Tess Kincaid said...


kaykuala said...

Chuckles! Yes, what came of the gentle guard dog. Nicely Letitia!


Berowne said...

Slick and sly; well written.

Letitia said...

Wow! Thanks all (blushing). I'm glad it got some giggles. :)

Bekkie Sanchez said...

Cleverly written and I love the ending!

hyperCRYPTICal said...

He-he - love this.
Anna :o]

~T~ said...

Ha! Innocent, indeed!

keiths ramblings said...

Absolutely delightful!

A Promise Kept

  Post-it® Poem from April 30th on a 3x3 note. And that's it for this year! :) Thanks for following along...