Random Wisdom - Hope Quote

"Hope begins in the dark, the stubborn hope that if you just show up and try to do the right thing, the dawn will come. You wait and watch and work: You don't give up." ~Anne Lamott


Eva Trillian said...

OH, how I needed that quote right now. Dreading going back to work, after vacations, tomorrow ... It hasn’t been a good place to be for the longest time now and it drains … I will carry this quote with me! Thank you!

Letitia said...

May your return to work not drain you. It is who we are not what we do that is important. Don't let what you do bring your shining spirit down, Eva.

And as I say this to you... I remind myself. ;) Let us both choose to be happy.

Marie Kléber said...

This is the perfect quote I needed to read today. Hope is what I need to keep in mind Lettie. Thank you so much and let's try to always remmember it.
Stay well.

Greg said...

Happy Birthday to my Anam Cara

Letitia said...

Thanks Marie. :)

Letitia said...

Love you...

A Promise Kept

  Post-it® Poem from April 30th on a 3x3 note. And that's it for this year! :) Thanks for following along...