Measured Tinkering

A clockwork imp
with mischievous fingers
winds my day for a bit of fun.
Pushing hands
both fast and slow,
he'll play with time 'till my day is done.

The morning's work will drag and crawl
the afternoon will grind
but just as I step foot outside
he'll choose to change his mind.

Evening twilight
should bring long hours
as daylight comes to close
but not for me, the imp decrees
and spins himself
on the grand clock's nose.

Inspired by: Mag 189


Anonymous said...

I love this the whole concept brilliant!

Helen said...

This is delightful!!

Sue J said...

I like the idea of a clockwork imp deciding which bits of your day go quickly or slowly. Thanks for sharing :)

Letitia said...

Thanks all! I'm glad this one has been so well received. :)

Silent Otto said...

Like the famous Tywin Lannister , "imping is tough " !! , but they do love twilight .....

kalpana solsi said...

loved yr poem for its unique concept.

A Promise Kept

  Post-it® Poem from April 30th on a 3x3 note. And that's it for this year! :) Thanks for following along...